Tuesday 30 March 2010

Baby I could be a social butterfly, If I wasn't such a slob.

Because good ol' blogger saves drafts, I managed to recover my sbiel. Not as long as I had originally thought though. It jsut didn't let me open it before. Ahh well. I'll post it for you to read anyways.

If you're wondering where the hell I got such an odd title from here's the answer; "Get Out of My Head" by Tod A. Yes, my new firewater CD arrived in the post. The bitter lyrics from a man that can only be described as brilliant are shaking. Tod hates the US - he left it for a dangerous trip round southeat asia to get away after bush's re-election. What does this have to do with me?

Tod felt as though he was trapped in a country that wasn't himself, somewhere he didn't like. A total failure of a leader had once again been chosen to rule. He despised it there, and was sickened. I feel the same. I am trapped in this body, that I currently despise. This has made me ill, and it's terrible. Those of you have been afflicted in a similar way will know that it's a really annoying thing to deal with.

I guess that this guy is just making me feel worse about it. Oh well, sucks to be me, right?


You don't know it yet, but most of you will be in the same situation at soem point. Especially with the government we have. Especially with the big guys trying to rip-off the little guys. Especially with modern culture trying to get rid of everything different.

I mean, this is something I've only jsut realized. My cast is a full leg cast. None of my pants actually fit over it. I'm probably going to have to go back to school with this cast. Well, what the hell am I supposed to wear! They don't let us wear shorts! I wore a skirt to school, and I got kept in at break and lunch and I wasn't allowed on the freaking corridors att he sae time as everybody else. Tell you what, fuck this - I just won't go to school, simply because I can't wear the uniform. They want to complain? Well they can fuck right off.

In the future, you are going to be swindled of money, and "the man" will try and fuck you over 'till you're walking sideways. Guess who else is walking sideways? Moi. I'm walking sideways because, because of bad luck on my part, I dislocated my patella. This body cocked up. And Now I feel trapped within it. And this cast doesn't help

You are trappen in a system, where people are going to beat you into conforming as hard as they can. You're trapped being the same as everyone else.

No, this isn't me having a itch because I'm pissed off at dislocating my kneecap. I mean, not to say I'm not pissed off but that isn't the point. My point is, is that being pissed off at this has made me realize how much our society sucks. I guess when I'm not melting my brain plying videogames, I have time to think.

These are the kind of views I harbour anyway, just, never this strong really. And I mean Eigo Genesis' motto is "terrorists to the fake society". Because it seems that anything different nowadays.

You are also correct in assuming that I'm an opinionated bastard, and that you really needn't take my opinion seriously, if you don't want.

(PS: Just so you know, I ot the picture from a german website called "akuma" (Japanese word for demon. Weird, eh?"

Really, though, I'll post every other day. Baibai.

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